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BROM BelCal® - Information

BROM-Service * Inh. Manfred Bräuer * Neugasse 10 * 02625 Bautzen
Phone: 03591 531654 * Fax: 03591 531655 * Mail: team(at)brom-belcal(dot)de
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BROM BelCal® - Content Management System for a professional web presence

BROM BelCal® is a CMS with booking system, which was designed specifically for owners of apartments. Thus, BROM BelCal® is a challenging script, which in terms of representation on the website as well as in much of the administration offers.

The last changes see under => History...

Bugs and patches find => ">here...

The now emerging complex content management system based on modules, depending on the needs of the individual objects can be applied. It is possible to manage multiple objects and also can be created objects without assignment calendar. Moreover, multilingualism is fully integrated. These are the languages German, English, Dutch, French, Intaliano, Czech and Sorbian available.

Different templates (templates) are including. Also a template, without the header and menu that can become as IFRAME into an existing web presentation very good. This is particularly interesting for the availability calendar for the version with the booking system.

AnsichtSystem Requirements:

  • Webspace with PHP Version 7.0 or higher
     (API CGI or FastCGI, no safe_mode!)
  • MySQL-Database Version 5.7 or higher

Online DEMO to try:

There are two versions:

  • BASIC-Version (freeware)
  • PROFI-Version
    (at a price of 79,97 €)

Feature differences here ...

Last change 03.02.2025