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BROM BelCal® - Information

BROM-Service * Inh. Manfred Bräuer * Neugasse 10 * 02625 Bautzen
Phone: 03591 531654 * Fax: 03591 531655 * Mail: team(at)brom-belcal(dot)de
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RSS-Feed   Information about updates
New revision 4.324 29.01.2025, 17:15

BROM CMS/BelCal® in version 4.324 is available.

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New sub version 4.320 14.01.2025, 11:20

BROM BelCal® in version 4.320 is available.

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RSS-Feed   Bugs and Patches

Note! Please install only the patches that for the used system are relevant!

The patch numbers are structured as follows

Patch type relevant sequence number
installed version number

The patch type 99 is relevant to the main system or integrated modules in the basic system. Other types are needed only if the corresponding add-on modules were also installed.


#9943205 03.02.2025, 17:00

The suggested unit price for individual discounts is not always correct. Only relevant for PROFI version.

Patch: / Will be integrated in version 4.325

#9943203 21.01.2025, 17:10

The Captcha function sometimes returns an error.

Patch: / Will be integrated in version 4.323.

#9943202 15.01.2025, 09:30

For certain settings, not all relevant surcharges are displayed in the price lists. Only relevant for PROFI version.

Patch: / Will be integrated in version 4.322.

#9943201 15.01.2025, 09:30

Not all date fields in the admin area display the correct format.

Patch: / Will be integrated in version 4.321.

Last change 03.02.2025