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BROM BelCal® - Information

BROM-Service * Inh. Manfred Bräuer * Neugasse 10 * 02625 Bautzen
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Changes since the release of BROM BelCal® 4.3
  changes in versions 4.2x >>

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Date Version Bugs Description or fixed bugs
2025/01/29 4.324   The design of discounts/price reductions has been expanded to include one individual settings.*
2025/01/21 4.323 #9943203 The Captcha function sometimes returns an error.
2025/01/15 4.322 #9943202 For certain settings, not all relevant surcharges are displayed in the price lists.*
2025/01/15 4.321 #9943201 Not all date fields in the admin area display the correct format.
2025/01/13 4.320   For special offers, there is now a second suggestion in which a daily price (from the current seasonal price) is deducted. This means that an offer for booking for 7 days and paying for 6 days can be created without a lot of calculation effort.*
2025/01/13 4.320   The days of the week (short form) are now also displayed in the date fields in the admin area.
2025/01/09 4.312 #9943102 For special offers and prices for third-party services, an incorrect total price is displayed in the admin area.*
2024/12/02 4.311   Placeholders for your own email templates in connection with the calendar module have been adjusted.*
2024/11/20 4.310   The additional module "Slide Gallery" has been included in the base system.
2024/10/28 4.305 #9943005 When editing the calendar, additional information for languages not included in the object is also displayed for entry.
2024/10/25 4.304   Some display improvements have been made in the administration.
2024/10/16 4.304 #9943004 When editing special offers, an error message appears instead of the information if the period is one of non-bookable weeks.
2024/10/05 4.303 #9943003 When logging in to the administration, the password cannot be made visible.
2024/09/27 4.302 #9943002 If there is an error connecting to the database, a new password will also be requested in the frontend. To re-enter the password, a secret URL (...../emergency) must now be called.
2024/09/17 4.301 #9943001 A recorded date of birth for addresses does not appear in the information about stored data.
2024/09/10 4.300   In the calendar settings, you can now specify weeks that cannot be booked directly. The time periods remain free for inquiries until the booking is manually entered in the administration. Special offers during these periods are not affected.
* Dieses Zeichen kennzeichnet Einträge, die nur in der PROFI-Version enthalten sind.
  changes in versions 4.2x >>
* This sign means that messages are included only in the PROFI version.
Last change 03.02.2025