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BROM BelCal® - Information

BROM-Service * Inh. Manfred Bräuer * Neugasse 10 * 02625 Bautzen
Phone: 03591 531654 * Fax: 03591 531655 * Mail: team(at)brom-belcal(dot)de
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Frequently asked questions


Question:BROM CMS/BelCal® is been designed for whom?

The system is used primarily for creating and designing of web projects and has been developed specifically for owners of apartments, guesthouses and small hotels with integrated availability calendar / reservation management. But other possibilities are conceivable.

Question:Can the free BASIC version of BROM CMS/BelCal® be used by companies?

The BASIC version (limited functionality) is free and can be also used freely by companies.
Differences to the PROFI version and the current price can be found at Functions.

Question:Is BROM CMS/Belcal® compliant with EU-DGPR?

First, it should be noted that each webmaster is responsible for complying with the privacy policy and related terms. Otherwise, the system offers some options starting with version 3.930. For exemple a cookie message can be displayed and the administrator can send or print the information about stored personal data.


Question:What requirements I need for this system?

BROM CMS/BelCal® needs a PHP environment version 7.0 or higher than CGI or FastCGI server API, a MySQL database from version 5.7.xx and a webspace least at 45 MB.

Recommended is PHP version 8.3.xx and MySQL version 8.0.xx. PHP versions earlier than 7.0 are no longer supported from BROM BelCal®.

Question:Can BROM CMS/BelCal® under XAMPP be installed?

No - XAMPP uses special settings of the PHP environment, which prevent the proper functioning of the system.
Prerequisite for BROM CMS/BelCal® is a web space with "real" PHP environment version 7.0 or higher with API CGI or FastCGI and a MySQL database from version 5.5.


Question:How will BROM CMS/BelCal® installed?

After all files have been loaded via FTP to the web server, only the system are called. The installation script will start and it must be made several entries. Especially the access to the MySQL database is important.
If the first section (step 1 and step 2) is red appear, then the functionality of the system not guaranteed! In this case, appropriate changes to the PHP and/or the file accesses are made before the installation is performed.

Question:How are installed the extensions? (modules)

Both the installation and upgrade to a new version of modules is done via Add-ons->Modules in the admin area.
The downloaded ZIP file is simply selects with "Browse" and then use the button "Install". The system automatically detects whether it is a new installation, an update to newer version or an existing module. It will displaying an appropriate message.

Question:Which of provided patches are must be installed?

Before a new version is deployed, are available for a limited period to download patches. It must only be installed the patches that apply to the installed version. It is always indicated in the patch, in which version they are already included. The patch numbers are structured as follows

Patch type relevant
installed version number
sequence number

The patch type 99 is relevant to the basic system or integrated modules in the basic system. Other types are needed only if the corresponding add-on modules were also installed.

Question:Can a BASIC version to PROFI version to be updated?

There is no update needed!
The upgrade to the PROFI version set by entering an activation key, which in "Home-Order" this project can be requested. A loss of any data from the BASIC version is not to be feared!

Question:Can be changed the server or domain at a later date?

In principle yes, but it should be noted some adjustments!
Important: If the server changes the configuration should match the old server, especially different database versions often make problems.
Brief explanation of the procedure:

  1. Backing up the database tables and directories .../objects and .../media
    (in PROFI version this is quite easy with the Admin Tool "Backup/Restore")
  2. Reinstallation of the system to the new server, the new domain (for PROFI version can be transmitted the previously existing file "personal.key" in the directory .../config before start the ininstalltion)
    Table-Prefix must match the old!If necessary install additional modules, if in use.
  3. If necessary and if are used install the additional modules.
  4. Restore the database tables and transferring the backup directories (in PROFI version that goes very easily using the Admin-Tool)
  5. Checking and adjustments of sections (particularly the inserted media are usually stored as absolutly url and must be integrated again)
Question:Can I convert to SSL later?

Yes, it is possible. To do this, after changing to SSL the file config.php in the directory ... / config has to be adjusted manually, there the entry http has to be changed to https.

Object management

Question:Why can not be changed the main language of an object?

When adding an object is used as the main language, the language of the (project) options. A change is only possible if the section "object languages​​" was integrated into the object and the option multilingualism is turned on.

If you not want to use any multilingualism, it should before adding objects to the menu item "Options" the correct language for all objects to be registered as the default. There is set by default the language, which was chosen by the installation.

Question:Why can not activate the section of object-language?

Most of the sections, including object languages are disabled when adding. This allows settings and content are recorded, without that it is displayed on the homepage.

The section for object languages can be activated only if the multilingualism is turned on in the object options, by default this is turned off.

The form module

Question:How can be defined a pre-selection in fields for selections?

To define a pre-selection for the corresponding fields is only possible from version 3.36. To do this must be entered as the first character a "+" in the entries.

Question:How can the number be expanded in selection fields?

By default, there are 10 options in selection fields. Through a trick is possible to increase the number.

If the last option two or more terms with the | separated, they are ready after saving as individual options.

Question:How the radio buttons and check boxes can displayed side by side?

To display the radio buttons and check boxes side by side, this will be entered as length. The registered number determines how much items are displayed in a line next to each other.


Question:Why the form is not sended?

Some mail provider (e.g. may reject mails with a FROM: address like name(at)mail(dot)com sent via a foreign relay to avoid spam. BROM CMS/BelCal® but sent forms with the original sender by default.

As of Version 3.43 can now be set for these cases in "Settings" the server mail as an overriding sender.


Reservations system - BelCal®

Question:Can the reservation management are also integrated into other systems?

The reservation management is specially designed to BROM CMS/BelCal® adapted and only runs with this system. However, it is possible to integrate the entire system in a frame or iFrame. Therefor should be assigned in options of the objects the included template "BROM CMS only content".
The call for individual objects is then for example:
<iframe src="[INSTALLATION-URL]/objects/[OBJECTNAME].php" [PARAMETERS]>
[INSTALLATION-URL] and [OBJECTNAME] must of course be adapted to the current paths and for [PARAMETERS] other parameters are used.

Question:Can the price calculation will be made available only in the administrative area?

If is turned on pricing, by default this is sent in the auto-reply email to the guest. In the form options are two wildcards available:

[SINGLE_PRICES] for the table with single prices,
[TOTAL_PRICE] for the total price,
[PRE_PRICE] for an eventual prepayment,
[RESIDUAL_PRICE] for total price minus prepayment.

If these placeholders removed, the system captures the prices, but these will not be displayed or sent to the guest. This makes the pricing available only in the administration area.


Question:Can a cancellation fee be adjusted later?

Normally, the cancellation fee is automatically calculated according to the specifications of the price calculation. From BelCal® version 4.235 it is possible to adjust the cancellation fee in the price calculation for the reservation. This can be done either by entering the days/nights to be calculated and/or by entering the price directly.


Question:How can an incorrect invoice be corrected?

A direct correction of an existing invoice for a booking is not possible.

However, a new invoice can be created, in which case the previous invoice will be marked as invalid. If the previous invoice is then called up for printing, it will appear with the comment "invalid".

Personal data / Address-Management

Question:Why is not present the address management, which is described in the documentation?

The address management is only available if at least one address was already registered and the registered user has ownership rights to the address.
If despite the above conditions, the address management is not available, it is because an update from version 2.9x to version 3.xx is not entirely accurate expired. To correct this, you will need replace the directory .../admin/themes on the server completely. So first delete and then transmitted with the current version.

Templates / css files - Adjustments

Question:How can the design be changed or adjusted?

BROM CMS/BelCal® has included different templates, which can be selected as the default template with options or assigned to single object.
Adjustments to the templates and all existing CSS files in the system may be done at any time. There is a short description in the documentation under Adjustments.

Question:When updating modules are preserved the modified CSS files?

Yes, the css files of the modules will remain.
When a module uses CSS files, so these are provided as *. org (original version). A rename in *. css only if the CSS file previously did not exist (eg a new installation).

Live support is also available for registered users at certain times. If live support is online, the corresponding call will be on this page after you have logged in.

The expected next dates are:

Thu, 01/23/2025 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tue, 01/28/2025 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Thu, 02/06/2025 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


At this point we offer some answers to frequently asked questions.

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Last change 03.02.2025